Introduction and Application of English Language Learning Media at An-Nikmah Al-Islamiyah Phnom Penh Institute

Muhammad Yusuf, Irasath Bin Yousof, Rafiqin Husein, Cucu Sopiah, Irfan Fauzi Rahmat, Andi Ali Kisai, Bagus Nurul Iman, Badawi Badawi, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Endang Zakariya


This article explores the introduction and implementation of English language learning media at the An-Nikmah Al-Islamiyah Institute in Cambodia. The research is motivated by the increasing need for effective English instruction in non-English speaking countries, particularly within Islamic educational institutions.Given the limited resources and context-specific challenges faced by such institutions, this study employs a qualitative case study approach to assess the effectiveness of various learning media, including visual, auditory, and interactive tools, in enhancing students' language skills.The findings indicate that the integration of diverse learning media significantly improves student engagement and language proficiency. The study emphasizes the importance of adapting these tools to the cultural and educational context of the students, as well as the need for ongoing teacher development to ensure successful implementation. Community involvement also plays a critical role in aligning the educational content with local needs, thereby fostering a supportive learning environment.

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