Dine Meigawati


The research background is ho,elessand neglected children  the outreach follow up absence,protection and  construction/ rehabilitation  incomplete facilities. the data collective techniques applied is interview, observation and documentation. informant stipulation uses Snowball sampling technique. The data analysis research uses a descriptive qualitative analysis method, further described narratively in a data collecting, data filtering, data presenting, and drawing conclusion. The research result shown that homeless and neglected children protection policy implementation conducted by the Social Services in Sukabumi Town has not fully implemented, due to, the  outreach after absence, the facilities to give shelter and rehabilitation such as a foster house. The lack of  budget received by the Social Services is not sufficient to build the facilities such as the shelter house and routine development program, is the inhibiting factor. The proponent factors are  the passably good communication between the Social services department and the municipal service (Satpol PP)department, also the sufficient number of apparatus involved. Providing shelter houses, religious development and skill development training program for homelessand neglected children in order to make the productive as a procurement , are some of the  recommendation for the government.

Keywords : Policy implementation, Homeless protection,neglected children.

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