Wichitra Yasya


Breastfeeding is considered a practical and sustainable strategy to maternal and child health, the consequences of which are contributing to health, social and economic development. But in reality, breastfeeding rate in Indonesia is still not optimal because the national coverage is still below the national and global targets set by the government and the World Health Organization which targets 50% exclusive breastfeeding rate. Social support is a positive factor in increasing breastfeeding coverage. As information and communication technology advances, social support is not only provided in the mothers’ surrounding environment, has extended online through social media such as Facebook.  The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between online social support and breastfeeding self-efficacy. The study used a quantitative approach with purposive sampling method on members of the largest Facebook group on breastfeeding in Indonesia. Data was analyzed using Spearman’s Rank method. The results showed significant association between online social support and breastfeeding self-efficacy, with communication activeness and communication effectiveness having positive correlations while support access pattern, social support level and types of support communicated had no correlations with breastfeeding self-efficacy. Thus, it can be concluded that the higher social support obtained online through Facebook, the higher the breastfeeding self-efficacy, which in turn can contribute to the adherence of breastfeeding behaviour. Suggestions for further research are to improve sampling techniques and include other variables that can influence breastfeeding such as actual breastfeeding practice and breastfeeding intention as well as patterns of media use and offline social support obtained.

Keywords: breastfeeding, health communication, social support, self-efficacy, social media


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