Firmansyah Putra, Citra Darminto


In this study, the author uses a qualitative approach is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the natural conditions of objects where researchers are as a key instrument to look for problems related to local government policies and then analyze the causes of these problems then find solutions and anticipate the problem reappeared. The differences in ethnicity, culture and customs of a nation is a social cultural reality of Indonesia, and this shows how the existence of primordial awareness in the life of the Indonesian nation, besides being a natural condition to be grateful and admired, must also be wary because it has a high enough conflict intensity. Culture gives shape to people's attitudes, people's mental attitudes, and people's daily life patterns. Instead, attitudes and patterns of life also give shape to culture. Culture is learned and the culture adapts and develops. Regional culture has a long history and has its own wisdom and superiority. In each of them, the culture contains elements that our founding fathers extract in the Pancasila. Customs and sociocultural values of society are one of the social capital that can be utilized in the context of implementing development. Preservation and development of customs and socio-cultural values of the community was built by prioritizing three main pillars, namely the pillar of community economic development, the preservation pillar and the pillar of the independence of the community. In the end, a local government policy is needed to protect Cultural Identities and Traditional Rights of the Community is a must.


Keywords: Local Government, Cultural Identity and Traditional Rights of Customary Law Communities.

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