Haryadi Haryadi, Moh. Arief Rakhman


Generation Z in Indonesia is the first digital native present in Indonesia and will soon shift the millennial generation in various ways. The large number of population and characteristics that are completely different from previous generations makes this group start to become the attention of many parties, this group requires media media different so that the participatory forms can be accommodated properly, this is because it is probable that the existing facilities will be different and not very acceptable to those in this group. Innovative and novelty elements are considered suitable and considered to be able to accommodate political aspirations for this generation Z, most likely not yet popular in Indonesia or only known by this group, and this will be a challenge in the future for all political stakeholders of this country, given the potential which is great for the good of this nation which comes from this generation Z group. In Jambi Province there has been a significant increase in political participation in recent years, this has become interesting because the political sphere in this province seems rigid and elitist. Social media and the rapid penetration of the Internet in the province have accompanied this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of social media and political participation in Generation Z. This study used a survey method with a quantitative descriptive approach and questionnaires distributed online and offline. The results of this study will be sourced from respondents who are the Z generation of beginner groups, and are internet users. This research will try to reach out to respondents from novice voters in several regencies and cities in Jambi province, especially those who are concentrated in various high schools in Jambi province, and are exposed by the Internet and at the same time active social media users. those who will be the response have 2 categories, those who have been involved in the elections in 2018 and 2019 and those who are the first to give their political rights in the next election.

Keywords: Generation Z, Political Participation, Beginner Voters, Digital Native

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