Rapshodyan Sekar Tungga, Popon Sutarsih


Quality of life refers to the individual's perception of his or her life in society in the context of the existing culture and value system, related to goals, expectations, standards and also attention to life. This research aimed to obtain an overview of the quality of life of transgender people living with HIV/AIDS in KebonKangkung Village, Kiaracondong Sub-district, Bandung City. The description refers to the sub-problems empirically about: 1) informant characteristics, 2) the quality of life of transgender people living with HIV/AIDS viewed from the physical dimension, 3) the quality of life of transgender living with HIV/AIDS seen from the psychological dimension, 4 ) the quality of life of transgender people living with HIV / AIDS can be seen from the dimensions of social relations, 5) the quality of life of transgender people living with HIV/AIDS seen from the environmental dimension and 6) the expectations of informants. This research used the qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used in this research were carried out by in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation study. Data collection techniques used purposive sampling that consists of six informants. The data analysis technique used is reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the physical dimension was seen from the health of transgender who was infected with the HIV/AIDS virus and their activities who worked as sex workers. The psychological dimension is seen from its concerns about health and its future. The environmental dimension is seen from the people who have not fully accepted the existence of transgender groups in Kebon Kangkung area. The conclusion of this research on the quality of life of transgender living with HIV/AIDS Kebon Kangkung Village is that there are aspects of physical, psychological and environmental dimensions that have not been fulfilled properly. This causes transgenders living with HIV/AIDS are unable to function well socially.

Keywords: Quality of Life of Transgender Living with HIV / AIDS

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