Sitti Rukmana Patty, Fentiny Nugroho


Most cases of malnutrition in the city of Serang are in Banten village. This study discusses the factors that cause malnutrition of children toddler in fisherman families in the Banten village, the majority of them are fishing labor who live in poverty. This research used a qualitative approach with descriptive type. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation search. Research results show that the majority of fishermen's family's education and understanding of nutrition is very low. Low income makes fishermen unable to meet their family's nutritional needs properly. The majority of fishermen do not have other job alternatives when they cannot go to sea due to extreme weather. Cultural factors and local habits are still very strong regarding restrictions on certain types of food for children toddler, especially fish and eggs, which are believed to badly affect toddlers’health and skin. Also, there is still a value that fathers must be given first priority in any case, including in terms of eating compared to other family members. Their environment has poor sanitation and it is difficult to find clean water sources. The most striking obstacles faced are economic factors, low accessibility, and knowledge as well as a lack of personal awareness in the family in overcoming the malnutrition problem of children toddler.

Keywords: Local Culture, Poverty, Malnutrition, Fisherman.

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