Wahidah R Bulan, Yani Hendrayani


The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the urgency of developing the application of nationalism as an effort to increase the nationalism of urban students. Based on the study of the authors (2017 and 2018), efforts to increase student nationalism need to be carried out more systematically considering that these efforts currently rely solely on the role of schools through PPKN and History subjects. There are many indications of low nationalism, including in the activities of researchers who have just finished it (2019). Using qualitative methods, the results of the study show not only the aspects of attitudes and behavior, in the aspect of knowledge also found many notes (still found students who do not understand the meaning of nationalism denotative). Other findings are the lack of family participation in efforts to instill nationalism values (mainly because of the understanding that the inculcation of nationalism is only the responsibility of schools) and the unique character of students now as millennials who prefer practical and logical things in understanding nationalism, more critical in understanding ideas and ideas (dare to question why until now Pancasila is still used as a state ideology), besides that they are very attached to gadgets. In this context, why an important application development effort is carried out, besides that adequate input (from various directions and sources), referring to the Theory of Social Construction (Berger and Luckmann, 1990) in previous studies of researchers, helps students interpret nationalism better.

Keywords: urban student, nationalism, student nationalism application, millennial generation             

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