Dian Purwanti, Ira Irawati, Herijanto Bekti, Josy Adiwisastra


New students admission  is an annual program that marks the new academic year.   A not comparable condition between public interest and   the schools capacity forced the government to develop  an objective, transparent, accountable and fair selection system. Evaluation and policy   modification   from district system, cluster,   develop zone (bina  Lingkungan ) and recently Bandung city government   applied  a zoning system.  What has been the fault in the new students submission system policy in Bandung City that caused a controversy amongst the society. the article   tries to   uncover the  issue from a  policy  accuracy ,  implementation accuracy,  target accuracy, and environment accuracy.

Keywords:  New student admission, zonation system, rayon system, cluster system, develop environment system

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Government Regulation:

Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 17 of 2010 concerning Management of Education Organization

Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 17 of 2017 concerning Acceptance of New Students

Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 610 of 2016 concerning Technical Guidelines for Implementing New Student Admissions in the City of Bandung

Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 553 of 2017 concerning Technical Guidelines for Implementing New Student Admissions in the City of Bandung

Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 456 of 2018 concerning Technical Instructions for Implementing New Student Admissions in the City of Bandung


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