Soetji Andari


The provision of assistance to persons with disabilities at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Physical and Sensory Disabilities aims to improve the ability of persons with disabilities to fulfill basic rights. This research was conducted using descriptive evaluation research with quantitative approach models that are supported by qualitative data. Evaluation models using the countenance stake evaluation model are models that prioritize decryption evaluation and assessment. Based on an analysis of the results of research conducted at 10 disability centers in Indonesia, the overall evaluation of the use of tools for the effective service disability category with an average score of  80.00%. Plan the provision of tools for physical and sensory disability services (blind, hearing impaired and speech impaired) in the appropriate category (83.02%), but need to pay attention to the provision of assistance standards for persons with disabilities (physical and sensory) preceded by assessors and interviews . Recommendations on the results of research on the provision of aids for people with disabilities need to be accompanied by social workers and experts making tools that are carried out on an ongoing basis. Social workers are involved in considering standards for assistive devices for people with physical and sensory disabilities which begin with assessments and interviews in collaboration with professionals in the environment. Assistance for social workers in assisting disability in the provision of assistive devices is provided through medical examinations, provision of assistive devices, through measurement, assistive devices according to type, size, level of disability, and good quality, assistive devices receiving routine care, receiving information about care for Device. both beneficiaries and families. 


Social Workers; Disability; Aid; utilization

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University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


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