Ari Widyati Purwantiasning, Saeful Bahri


This study examines the morphological changes of Kowloon Area of Hong Kong by using a morphological component approach of land use, street patterns, and building patterns. The method of this study used the historical method, which includes four stages: heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that the morphological growth of Kowloon Area showed significant growth and changes. The land use of Kowloon Area as a historical area has shown changes with an increase in the residential, trade, and service sectors, and industry, which is balanced to increasing the green area, on the other hand, a reduction in the agricultural and plantation sectors. The street pattern network of Kowloon Area of Hong Kong shows there are many pedestrian lane and areas for pedestrian and currently has a mixed pattern. The building’s types in Kowloon Area of Hong Kong have been regarded as a modern one which are contextual with the historical buildings from colonial era within the area.


Kowloon Area, Historical Area, Morphology, Land Use, Street Patterns, Building Patterns

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24853/ijbesr.8.2.115-122


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