Redefining conservation through collective memory

Khusnul Hanifati, Yulia Nurliani Lukito


Conservation theory is determined by the concept of memory. Collective memory is an accumulation of events remembered by a group who shared and involved in shaping the memory. It plays an important role to articulate meaning that relevant to the current context, needs, and agenda. In old quarter of Jakarta, the concept of memory was produced as a collective effort to reconstruct Kampung Kunir which had been evicted in 2015. With its strategic location, it is impossible to exclude the revitalization of Kota Tua to its enclave surrounding. The community surrounding Kota Tua experiencing a conflict of inclusion when the revitalization process begun. Kota Tua has become tourism object while, in reality, it is surrounded by kampungs, creating a distance between the local residents and Kota Tua. After the eviction of Kampung Kunir, the government create a program to reconstruct the settlement for several families who resist to live there. A group of architect, ASF-Indonesia, was involve in facilitating physical and historical mapping, and projecting the new Kampung Kunir. Thus the reconstruction of Kampung Kunir can be seen as an effort from the community to redefine conservation and question for whom the conservation is. This paper seeks to elucidate how collective memory plays as an important aspect to conserve historical sites.


conservation, collective memory, Kampung Kunir

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Corten, Jean-Paul et al. (2014). Heritage as an Asset for Inner-City Development: An Urban Manager’s Guide Book Nai010 Publishers.

Further reading on the problem of local community participation in Kota Tua: Muntu, Adrianus Waranei et al. (2018). Analisis Partsipasi Komunitas Lokal dalam Pengembangan daya Tarik Wisata Kota Tua dalam JUMPA Journal 4(2): 173-188 (diakses 09/10/2019) (diakses 09/10/2019)

Harjoko, Triatno Yudo. (2004). Penggusuran or Eviction in Jakarta: Solution Lacking Resolution for Urban Kampung, 15th Biennal conference of the Asian Studies.

Evi Yulia Ulfa. (2016). Kampung Improvement Programme (KIP): Perkembangan dan Perubahannya di Kampung Kebalen Tahun 1976-1986. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.

Olick, J. K. (2008). “Collective memory”: A memoir and prospect. Memory Studies, 1(1), 23–29.

Halbwachs, Maurice. (1992). On Collective Memory. University of Chicago Press.

Jolanta A. Drzewiecka, Peter Ehrenhaus & A. Susan Owen. (2016). Memory, culture, and difference: Critical reflections, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 9:3, 199-203, DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2016.1193932 (diakses 09/10/2019)



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