Socialization of Clean and Healthy Behavior as a Preventive Health Effort for High School Students at Phattanasart Foundation School Thailand

Lorenta In Haryanto, Laila Moodsem, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Darto Darto, Andriyani Andriyani, Munaya Fauziah, Triana Srisantyorini, Suherman Suherman, Ernyasih Ernyasih, Aisha Diva Caledonia


The main problem that forms the basis for preparing the main work program is that there is still no awareness and implementation of Clean and Healthy Behavior among students in the target schools.The aim of this activity is to increase students knowledge and awareness about clean and healthy living behavior so they can apply it in everyday life as a preventive health effort. The work program is carried out using education and outreach methods using posters, questionnaires and direct practice. Based on the results of the pre test and post tetst that were carried out, the 44 respondents observed showed that the pre test average was 77.05 and the post test average was 85.68. This means that there is an increase in students' understanding of PHBS and balanced nutrition after counseling by 8,636 points. The calculation results obtained a "t" value of 4,070 with a p-value of 0.000 (2-way test). According to the pre- and post-test findings, the level of understanding after counseling is higher than before the program. The community service team functioned well and efficiently, improving students' learning of critical knowledge.


community service, counseling, healthy, nutrition, preventive

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