Iim Ibrohim, Suchanan Laadam, Siti Sopiah Nuraeni, Hendar Riyadi, Iis Dewi Fitriani, Sani Asmi Ramdani Lestari, Yuti Yuniarti, Hernawati Hernawati, Muthadin Muthadin, Miftahul Huda, Imas Kurniasih, Endang Zakaria, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Edy Nurcahyo


As an educator, you will certainly feel afraid if you leave the generation in a weak state, especially regarding akhlakul karimah. The students who become trustworthy must continue to be guided and nurtured. Hopefully, they can become noble individuals who are loved by Allah SWT and humanity. Forming noble students in the 21st century is indeed more difficult. Various challenges from both inside and outside are increasingly complex. This, of course, requires educators to pay more attention and increase assistance to students. If educators are careless in their attention, it will be very dangerous. The ideal of presenting students with noble character will not be achieved. It is even more dangerous if they fall into bad relationships. Educators must realize that every student is born in a different era from us. The problems and challenges will certainly be different too. Consequently, educators are required to be dynamic and try to keep up with the times. The application of educational innovation in the implementation of Islamic programs at Darul Mujahideen School, Songkhla Thailand needs to be continued. Educators can further customize the implementation. In this way, challenges and obstacles can be solved. Even so, with innovation, students can feel something different from usual without getting out of the main goal of forming noble morals. It is also hoped that by innovating education, students will be more enthusiastic in following it. This service aims to strengthen the Islamic development program at Darul Mujahideen School, Songkhla Thailand which has been running through the application of educational innovation. With the implementation of educational innovation, the results of students' Islamic development will always be up-to-date and are expected to keep pace with the times.

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