Iim Ibrohim, Hendar Riyadi, Iis Dewi Fitriani, Sani Asmi Ramdani Lestari, Yuti Yuniarti, Rahmat Fadli, Sitti Chadidjah, Preecha Roengsamut, Endang Zakaria, Lorenta In Haryanto, Dina Febriani Darmansyah, Edy Nurcahyo


21st century education has its own characteristics. With sophisticated technology, everything is easier and faster. The world of education is no exception. Everything seems more open. Teachers are no longer positioned as sources of knowledge, but rather in the position of giving instructions or sorting out which data is correct and which data is wrong. Which information is good to use as a reference, and which should be left behind. In the 21st century there is also something called Artivicial Intelligence. With this knowledge, students can easily accept it. Even robots are more creative and interesting in presenting information. Therefore, if teachers are only limited to conveying knowledge, then they are nothing more than robots and will certainly be marginalized. The role of teachers in the 21st century must emphasize the human side, which robots themselves do not have. Teachers must be more caring, attentive, and shower their love on their students. 21st century education has its own characteristics. Experts say that in the 21st century educators and students are required to have several basic skills such as 1) Critical thinking and problem solving, 2) Communication, 3) Collaboration, 4) Creativity, and 5) Innovation. It cannot be avoided. Without paying attention, he can be left behind or even isolated. Therefore, if you still want to continue competing, you are required to be able to adapt to current developments. Friend Ali bin Abi Talib ra reminded us first. ‘allium auladakum lizamanihim. Fainnahum sayaisyu fi jasaihim ghaira jasaikum. Fainnahum khuliqu lizamanihim wanahnu khalaqna lizamanina. Teach your children according to their time. Indeed, they live in their time, not yours. They were created for their time. And we were created for our time. Education in the 21st century must be more structured. Planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up are based on student needs. However, students are required to be able to utilize the presence of technology for education. Through technological sophistication, literacy and numeracy will be easier. Allah SWT's command to read is more open and easier to implement.

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