Sani Asmi Ramdani Lestari, Zainub Pumigran, Dwintha Lestari, Iis Dewi Fitriani, Iim Ibrohim, Yuti Yuniarti, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Ummul Habibah Hasyim


Education and health are two inseparable elements that are encompassed within two key points of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Comprehensive health is essential to ensure the effective implementation of education. Thailand, as a developing country in Southeast Asia, faces health challenges similar to those in Indonesia. The concept of health needs to be instilled from an early age, as it directly impacts overall quality of life. This community service aims to empower students' understanding of the health concept at Sangkhom Islamic Wittaya School. The method involved educating students on holistic health concepts using audio-visual media with Thai subtitles, targeting students at Sangkhom Islamic Wittaya School. The audience of this program was 16 students from 4th grade of Sangkhom Islamic Wittaya School. Their health status was defined by their body mass index (BMI). Half of the students were underweight, one student was overweight, and only 43% of them had a normal BMI. By implementing this activity, the understanding and insight into health concepts can be substantially enhanced. The students only know about physical health before. However, after the event, students became more aware of holistic health based on their activeness and interaction with the speakers.

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