Miftahul Khoer, Rosdee Mangkachi, Hana Nyza, Azzij Aem Tuagilab, Abdullah Malik Ibrahim, Dwintha Lestari, Sani Asmi Ramdani Lestari, Titian Daru Asmara Tugon, Syafrudin Syafrudin, Iis Dewi Fitriani, Iim Ibrohim, Yuti Yuniarti, Arief Yunan, Nunung Cipta Dainy, Miciko Umeda


Improving the psychological well-being of primary school students is a major concern in the context of modern education. The psychological well-being efforts made by Phatnawitya School have implemented mental health in the view of Islam. Mental health in the view of Islam is a very important and integral aspect of a Muslim's life. Islam teaches a balance between physical, mental and spiritual health. This service aims to educate stress management strategies to improve the psychological well-being of students at Phatnawitya School, Thailand. This kind of activity program is recommended because it can help students cope better with academic pressure, create a healthy learning environment, and contribute to efforts to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in achieving healthy and prosperous lives and quality education that includes holistic education. The community service was conducted at Phatnawitya School in Thailand from August to September 2024. The method used started with education to 20 grade VI students combined with a quantitative approach to assess students' understanding at pre and post education. The educational program included understanding stress, time management, and positive coping strategies. Results showed significant improvement in students' psychological well-being as measured through questionnaires before and after the intervention. This improvement was reflected in increased knowledge about stress, improved stress management skills, and increased self-satisfaction. The findings indicate that stress management strategy education can be an effective tool in supporting the psychological well- being of elementary school students. The education can be implemented in similar programs in other schools to support students' overall psychological development.

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