Noor Latifah A.


This research discusses the pregnant mothers which makes a visit ANC during pregnancy with the incidence of neonatal death.Neonatal death is a health issue that still a major concern in the world.Neonatal death can be caused by various factors, both in terms of maternal factors, infant factors and health services factors. Frequency of visits ANC is part of health services which is deterrent occurrence of neonatal death if pregnant mothers are advised to follow all the antenatal care, ie a visit ANC ≥ 4 times during the three trimesters of pregnancy.This research uses cross-sectional design using multiple logistic regression analysis.This research indicate that the cause of neonatal death is the frequency of visits ANC, parity, pregnancy complications, birth weight infants, early neonatal examination.There is interaction between the frequency of visits ANC with birth weight infants that mother who did not make a visit ANC or <4 times during her pregnancy and having babies with birth weight ≥ 2500 gram had 2,6 times greater chance for the occurrence of neonatal death compared with mothers who did visit ANC ≥ 4 times during her pregnancy.This is due to neonatal mortality in infants with birth weight ≥ 2500 gram mostly infants with birth weight > 4000 gram who are at high risk for the occurrence of neonatal death,so expect to do further research on neonatal mortality to infant weight> 4000 gram.And related to the frequency of visits ANC, expected from the government to make policies more firmly on the obligations of pregnant women for pregnancy check at least 4 times in the third trimester during pregnancy.

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