Rahmita Nurul Muthmainnah


This study was conducted to know blind students’ understanding of two-dimensional geometric shapes particularly quadrilateral. A purposive sampling method was chosen to get the research subject. The subjects of this research are two blind (totally blind) students, in which one of them is blind since birth, and the other is blind since she was in elementary school. Both of them are in grade 12 of Special Senior High School in Surabayawhohavethe highestscoreof mathematics compare with their classmates. They were taught about geometry especially two-dimensional shapes when they were in elementary school and they were classmate at that time.Data were collected through informal unstructured interview.Regarding to the findings, the subject who is blind since birth have difficulty in recognizing the shapes and already forgot some concepts about twodimensional shape. On the contrary, the subject who got the blindness in her period of life, find it easy in recognizing the shapes.She is not only could define the characteristics of quadrilateral and each types of them, but also she could connect it into the real life by giving the example of the object.Moreover, she could show how to make a quadrilateral by cutting a rectangle paper.

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