Adiyati Fathu Roshonah, Rohimi Zamzam, Wanti Kristiana


There are many inaccuracies in the application of literacy in a family. The golden age is defined as an effort to encourage children quickly to able to read, write, and count at a very early age despite the child's age and developmental stages also inattentive to the child's uniqueness as an individual. Nevertheless, in this case, mothers should not be blamed but they need to get training courses regarding literacy so they have the knowledge and are able to apply it in their family appropriately and in accordance with the child development stages. This research is an experimental One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, which provides family literacy training with the DAP approach for a group of mothers who have pre-schoolers, aged 4-5 years, the sum total is 24 people. The courses held twice, each meeting was 90 minutes which started with a pre-test and closed with a post-test to determine the development of family literacy. The pre-test results showed an average score of 28.875 from a maximum score of 35. Furthermore, the average score on the Post-test was 32.25 from a maximum score of 35. There was an increase in participants' knowledge from 82.5% to 92.1%. The normality of Saphiro-Wilk pre-test data is 0.201 and post-test data is 0.083; This means that the pre-test and post-test data are normally distributed so that the Paired Sample T-Test can be performed. Based on the output of Pair 1, the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05. This it can be concluded that there is a difference in the average test results of participants before and after being given Family Literacy Training. Family literacy training with a developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) approach affects maternal literacy knowledge with young children

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