Annisa Salsabila, Arlin Astriyani


This research is motivated by the achievement of students' mathematical problem solving abilities in schools which have not been achieved by all students and are classified as low. This study aims to determine how students' mathematical problem solving abilities are viewed from self-confidence in online learning in class VIII-7 SMP Negeri 2 Parung with SPLDV material. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data was collected using questionnaires, tests and interviews. The self-confidence categorization is based on the results of the student's self-confidence questionnaire and is categorized into three categories, namely students with high self-confidence, moderate self-confidence and low self-confidence. Meanwhile, to determine the students' mathematical problem solving ability is based on the results of tests and interviews. The research subjects were taken using purposive sampling technique and 3 research subjects were selected representing each category of self-confidence. Subject T with high self-confidence can follow indicators of mathematical problem-solving ability well, subject S with moderate self-confidence can follow indicators of mathematical problemsolving ability quite well and subject R with low self-confidence cannot follow indicators of mathematical problem-solving ability well. The conclusion of this study is that subject T with high self-confidence has excellent mathematical problem-solving abilities, subject S with moderate self-confidence has sufficient mathematical problem-solving abilities and subject R with low self-confidence has poor mathematical problem-solving abilities

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