Dwiki Anggara Putra, Nurbaiti Widyasari


This research was motivated by the low level of self-efficacy of grade 5 students in learning mathematics, even though mathematics is a very important science for life and less attention to the cognitive style of each student. The purpose of this study was to increase the self-efficacy of grade 5 elementary school students in mathematics learning in terms of cognitive style using the PBL learning model. The location of this research is in one of the public elementary schools in the South Jakarta area. The method used in this study is a quasi-experiment, for the population of this study is grade 5 elementary school students with a sample of 19 students divided into two categories based on cognitive style, namely FI which amounts to 9 and FD 10 students. For data collection techniques using GEFT tests, questionnaires, observations and documentation. The study showed that there was a difference in N-gain scores between students classified FI and FD, which was 0.29 and 0.22 for homogeneous and normal data. Then the T test shows a score of 0.566. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the level of selfefficacy of grade 5 students in mathematics learning in terms of cognitive style. During the study, researchers found several factors that made no difference in the level of self-efficacy of grade 5 elementary school students in mathematics learning. Suggestions from researchers, teachers can use several learning models that match students' cognitive styles to increase students' self-efficacy

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