Yuni Sulistiawati, Ririn Widiyasari


This research is motivated by the results of the PISA study competition which shows that the mathematical literacy ability of Indonesian students is still low, this is evidenced that Indonesian students in the PISA competition did not reach level 2 as much as 76% and only 0.3% were able to reach level 5. From the study results It is known that the level of mathematical literacy skills of students in Indonesia is at level 1. One solution to overcome the low mathematical literacy skills of students is by applying learning models related to everyday life and questions that can train higher-order thinking skills. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an effect of using the ELPSA learning model assisted by PISA type questions as a solution in improving students' mathematical literacy skills. This research is a quantitative quasi-experimental research with a post-test control group design. The population in this study were all class X SMAN 9 Tangerang as many as 405 students. The sampling technique used in this study is a type of cluster random sampling obtained by class X MIPA 4 as the experimental class and X MIPA 5 as the control class. Based on the results of parametric statistical calculations with the t test, it was found that tcount > ttable = 2.0677 > 1.666 which can be concluded that reject H0 and accept H1 which means that there is an influence of the ELPSA learning model assisted by PISA type questions on students' mathematical literacy abilities.

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