Alifia Oktafi, Mutiarani Mutiarani, Aswir Aswir, Pipit Novita, Mariyae Baneng


The development of the internet that has occurred in the last ten years has had a huge influence on students. Instagram is one of the social media with a focus that students are interested in, the Instagram application focuses on sharing photos and videos with captions containing words that describe the intent of the post. This study aims to determine the use of captions on the @folkative Instagram account on students' vocabulary mastery. Folkative Instagram account is an account that focuses on the latest daily news on art, and culture, and supports local Indonesian products. This study aims to determine the use of content using English captions that are presented on folkative accounts that are appropriate for students to know. the researchers applied the quantitative descriptive method for the data collection by using the closed-ended questionnaire with 13 statements, there are 72 University students involved in this study as respondents. the research finding of this study, English caption on the @folkative Instagram account helps students to have more time in reading English text, find words that they don't know before, and develop vocabularies mastery. this study can conclude that the English caption on the @folkative Instagram account can be an effective media to read simple English text and also enhance students' to improving vocabulary mastery.

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