Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance, Leverage, dan Sales Growth terhadap Tax Avoidance dengan Ukuran KAP sebagai Pemoderasi

Khalida Hanum, Gusmiarni Gusmiarni, Adji Suratman


Objectives: Analyze the effect of independent commissioners, audit committees, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, leverage, and sales growth on tax avoidance with KAP size as a moderator.

Design/method/approach: Using a quantitative approach with 18 samples of consumer goods industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2022 so that 180 data are obtained and using moderated regression analysis (MRA) as a moderation test using the Eviews 12 application.

Results/findings: The results showed that independent commissioners and audit committees did not affect tax avoidance. Institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and leverage have a positive effect on tax avoidance. Sales growth has a negative effect on tax avoidance. KAP size cannot moderate the effect of independent commissioners, audit committees, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, leverage, and sales growth on tax avoidance.

Theoretical contribution: It is hoped that this research can increase accounting knowledge and become the basis for further tax avoidance research.

Practical contribution: As a direction for companies so that the policies decided are appropriate and the determination of the amount of tax paid to the state does not violate the rule of law..

Limitations: Tax avoidance in this study only uses 18 samples of goods and consumption industry companies


Good Corporate Governance, Leverage, Sales Growth, Tax Avoidance, KAP Size

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