Analysis of the Tensile Strength of Composite Material from Fiber Bags

Ery Diniardi, Nelfiyanti Nelfiyanti, Kisman H Mahmud, Hasan Basri, A I Ramadhan


The use of composite materials in Indonesia, as a nonmetal alternative material has begun to increase. Composite use has grown from water tanks from fiberglass materials, household appliances, children's toys, sports equipment, furniture/interior design to automotive components and aircraft. Many of the advantages of this composite material include hand, strong, anti-corrosion, finely tuned finish. Its mild nature has a direct impact on energy savings. The prospect of composite materials as a non-metal alternative material is rapidly growing and its use. Various types of reinforce used can be influenced by the prices available, so seek alternatives as a commonly used glass fiber substitute woven rowing. The substitute used is a sack of gourds of the same kind as woven rowing, from which the same type of fiber is tried to find its strength by undergoing a pull test. And as a result of the test the mateial can know its power.


Composite, Fiberglass, Materials, Impact

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