Factors Affecting Husband Participation in Family Planning Acceptors in Lampulo Village Banda Aceh City in 2020

Napisah Napisah, Ghazali Amin, Agustina Agustina


Participation in the use of contraceptives in Indonesia is still very low at around 2.1%. This figure is compared to other countries, such as in Asia, 61.6% and America 67.0%. Knowing the affecting husband participation in family planning acceptors in lampulo village banda aceh city in 2020. This type of research is quantitative analytic descriptive method with cross sectional design. The population used is all the fathers in the data of fertile age couples in the Lampulo Village, Banda Aceh City as many as 511 people and a sample of 100 respondents, taken by random sampling method. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. There are 3 variables related, namely gender roles, knowledge, number of children. And that is not related there are 2 variables, namely economic status and Islamic religious perspective.

Keywords: gender role, knowledge, economic status, number of children, Islamic religious perspective

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