The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual Pain Reduction in Adolescents

Nurhidayat Triananinsi, Rahayu Eryanti K, S.Nur Arny Puspitasari


Menstrual pain is pain that is characterized as brief pain before or during menstruation. Yoga is one of the relaxation techniques that can produce endorphin hormones. Endorphin hormones are produced in the brain and the spinal cord arrangement can function as a natural sedative that produces a sense of comfort thereby reducing pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of yoga on menstrual pain reduction in adolescents. The research method used is Quasi-Experimental Design with a Pre-Test and Post-Test One Group Design research design, carried out from 16 April to 16 September 2019. The population in this study were all adolescents, amounting to 69 people in boarding schools pondok madinah Makassar, a sample of 30 people who experienced menstrual pain. The results showed the percentage of respondents who reduced menstrual reduction after doing yoga by 28 people (93.3%) and who did not reduce the reduction in menstrual pain by 2 people (6.7%). From the Wilcoxon test results obtained value ρ = 0,000 <0.05 (p <α) means that there is an influence of yoga on the reduction of menstrual pain in adolescent girls at Pondok Madinah Islamic Boarding School in 2019. Yoga is an alternative as a non- pharmacological treatment to reduce menstrual pain.

Keywords : Teenagers, yoga, menstrual pain.

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