The Effect of Physical Exercise on The Quality of Life of The Elderly : Systematic Review

Amalina Nur Choiriah, Nada Adinda Irhamna, Denisa Dewanto, Rizki Amalia


Physical exercise is one of the activities that can improve the quality of life of the elderly if done routinely and correctly. The purpose of this study was to analyze articles from jurnals in order to provide reliable information about the effect of physical exercise on the quality of life of the elderly. This study method is systematic review by compare the results of tracking with literature that has been obtained regarding the effect of physical exercise on the quality of life of the elderly. The results obtained are 20 articles analyzed in a systematic review. Articles published in Elsevier B.V, PubMed, Google Scholar in the span of 2011 to 2019. All articles include physical exercise which affects the quality of life of the elderly. This physical exercise consists of balance exercises, gymnastics, and progressive muscle relaxation exercises. It can be concluded that the appropriate component of physical exercise can improve the quality of life in the elderly.

Keywords: physical exercise, elderly, quality of life.

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