Reniati Reniati, Meidarina Yunfin, Rika Febriani


The observation of this research is to identify, evaluate, and interpret the work of researchers and practitioners in developing HR competencies in Higher Education with a comparative approach based on literature studies or Systematic Literature Review systematically. Based on 34 articles published during the period from 2012 to 2022. The results showed that from the geographical area of the 34 articles that met the criteria came from 27 countries dominated by Nigeria (9%), USA (6%), Indonesia (6 %), China (6%), Tanzania (6%), Jordan (6%) and Kazakhstan (6%). Based on the Scope by field and research method, the method for developing human resource competencies in tertiary institutions has been carried out in 34 different journals in different disciplines consisting of Education Learning (50%), Human Resources (9%), Management (9%), Social Sciences (9%), Business (3%) and other journals (19%) with no specific fields. Based on the Research Method and Sample the most widely used method is the interview method with qualitative data types and taking samples of lecturers. The results of this study indicated that there are various processes that universities go through to create a human resource competency development model starting from recruitment and selection as well as training which is the most widely used method. Besides that, the development of human resource competencies also requires special attention in improving the hard skills and soft skills possessed by lecturers so that they can improve the quality of the learning process and alumni to be ready to compete in the work world.


HR Competency Development Model; Higher Education; Systematic Literature Review

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