Risman Mukhtar


Education is essentially a process that is carried out consciously planned towards the formation of a whole human being physically and mentally in the perspective of humans as the most perfect plenary creatures that have been created by Allah on the surface of the earth who has the task of being servant and at the same time as a caliph who is given trust to manage, utilize and maintain the earth with all the potential and natural resources that exist on that earth. To improve the quality of results from an educational process, serious efforts and strategic steps are needed to improve the quality of Islamic education management by building an organizational culture that must become the mindset of education stakeholders, that good governance must be managed and carried out while still holding to organizational principles. starting from the process of planning, organizing, implementing and supervising, in which all supporting dimensions for achieving the maximum educational goals must be standardized which henceforth will become parameters for measuring the achievement of the targets and goals set.


Education; Organizational Culture and Management

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