Yahaya Niwae


The objective of this study is to analyze Islamic religious education learning management at Ban Bangpu Yaring Pattani Public Elementary School in Thailand. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive study and a case study approach, this research focuses on the perspectives of the school principal, teachers, and students. Data were procured via interviews, observations, and document analyses, which were subsequently interpreted qualitatively using the Huberman and Miles model. Our findings show that the Islamic religious education curriculum management at Ban Bangpu Yaring Pattani Public Elementary School undergoes several stages: (1) The planning of the curriculum begins with an emphasis on the Islamic curriculum at the basic education unit level, a SWOT analysis, the establishment of a curriculum development team for Islamic religious education, curriculum development, revision based on feedback, approval by the local Department or Office of Basic Education, followed by implementation. (2) The implementation of the Islamic religious education learning lacks innovation due to a majority of the teachers being senior staff. Their limited skills in utilizing new technology result in a reliance on traditional learning management models. As a consequence, the learning process fails to fully engage students and teachers struggle to keep pace with modern teaching styles. Notwithstanding, the teachers excel in dedicating ample attention to the students. (3) The evaluation of student learning outcomes has been conducted by teachers to determine the students' mastery of basic competencies in elementary school. The assessment of student learning occurs at the end of each basic competency using predefined indicators based on the minimum competency criteria value, conducted in four stages: classroom, school, regional, and national levels. This study underscores the need for more innovative approaches in Islamic religious education and training in new teaching methods for senior teachers to better engage students and match up with the dynamics of the modern world.


Islamic Religious Education Learning Management; Impact on Teaching Methods

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