Innovative Strategies for Islamic Education Management in The Light of Global Competence in The 21st Century

Altaf Syauqy Iqbal Saifani


In the 21st Century, innovative strategies played a pivotal role in reshaping Islamic education management to meet the demands of global competence. This abstract encapsulates the transformative journey undertaken by Islamic educational institutions. Islamic education faced numerous challenges, including outdated curricula, limited access, and insularity. However, forward-thinking institutions began embracing technology and e-learning, creating dynamic, online Islamic courses that transcended geographical boundaries. Global competence became the focal point as educators sought to prepare students in Islamic theology and a broader context. This led to curricula integrating traditional Islamic knowledge with contemporary subjects, fostering a more holistic educational experience. Moreover, inclusivity and diversity were prioritized, creating inclusive environments that welcomed students from diverse backgrounds. These initiatives, rooted in the principles of Islam, promoted intercultural understanding and tolerance. Successful implementation cases, such as pioneering institutions, highlighted the profound impact of these strategies. They witnessed increased enrollments, improved student performance, and globally competitive graduates. In conclusion, these innovative strategies have reinvigorated Islamic education management, aligning it with the demands of the 21st Century. They have paved the way for a more globally competent generation of students, poised to navigate an increasingly interconnected world while remaining grounded in Islamic values.


Islamic Education; Innovative Strategies; Global Competence; Curriculum Development; Technology Integration; Inclusivity and Diversity

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