Creating DAI and Mosque Imams That Accepted All of Communities

Ahmad Riadi


Article about Creating Dai and Mosque imams That Accepted all of commuties, at the Bait Qurany Islamic Boarding School. This is based on the importance of an in-depth and comprehensive study of how cadre management and process management at the Bait Qurany Islamic Boarding School are in order to be able to assume the strategic role, success and achievement of the three aspects in educational institutions. Namely input, process and output depending on the quality of the cadres and the process. Quality cadre management and process management will be able to deliver a Mosque Leader and Imam to be superior, competent and accessible. Therefore, this article will answer the phenomenon that the author identified in several urgent problems. namely, why is Cadre Management and Processes so important in creating superior Mosque Leaders and Imams? What is the concept of cadre management and processes in Bait Qurany Islamic Boarding School? and What are the Cadre Management Concepts and Processes used at the Bait Qurany Islamic Boarding School to create superior, competent and accessible Mosque Leaders and Imams? This article aims to describe the cadre management and processes at the Bait Qurany Islamic boarding school in creating superior, competent and accessible Mosque Leaders and Imams. To answer this question. We use qualitative research with a library research and case study approach.


Creation; Dai; Mosque Imam

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