Sella Sevianita, Lisdwiana Kurniati, Dwi Fitriyan


The abstract study was intended to discover the skills of class VIII SMP Negeri 3 Pagelaran in identifying object information in the review text. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method.The population in this study were 32 samples in one class namely class VIII B with a sampling technique in the form of cluster random sampling. The validity of the data checking technique used is credibility test by increasing persistence and using materials reference to data collection conducted by tests, observations and interviews. Data analysis techniques through tests in the form of a description consists of three items. Based on the results of the analysis the ability students of class VIII B, SMP Negeri 3 Pagelaran in identifying object information in the text of the review obtained a score with a very good category of 23 students, the acquisition of grades with a sufficient category of 3 students, the acquisition of grades with a category of less than 6 students

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