The General Chairman Leadership Style of the Bungo Regency Muhammadiyah Student Association

Junaidi Junaidi, Titis Wulandari, Fariz Palakkal


This study aims to describe the leadership style of the principal Chairman at Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Bungo. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this study were Chairman, Chairman PK KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Chairman PK Buya Hamka, PK KH.Mas Mansyur, Chairman PK Djazman Al Kindi and All Members PC IMM Bungo. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The technique of checking the validity of the data is by using source triangulation and technical triangulation.  The results showed the leadership style used by the principal at Chairman Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Bungo. tends to be a democratic leadership style. This can be seen from the way the Chairman in solving problems and making decisions. Solving problems and making decisions is always done through meetings, discussions, and deliberation with other members and leaders. The Chairman always accepts opinions, criticisms, and suggestions from subordinates in a good, open and sincere manner and participates actively in every activity in the Organisation. In addition, the Chairman always develops and prioritizes a sense of unity and integrity such as togetherness and cohesiveness.


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Kamelia, 19 November 2022, pukul 22.00 wib, wawancara

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