Zulfitria Zulfitria, Syarah Nuur Rahmah Awalia


Writing this in the background by the use of live pharmacies as a medium of learning Natural Science due to lack of utilization of the environment around the school in the form of a garden that is usually only planted by ornamental plants as teachers should be able to utilize the school environment as a medium for learning to be effective what else students more happy with the study that jumped directly to the place, therefore the author is interested to conduct research on the use of pharmacy park life as a medium of learning Natural Science in Elementary School by using the qualitative type. The study aims to examine live pharmacy park as a medium in use by teachers. The results showed that the learning process is done outside the classroom to the subjects of Natural Sciences in thematic in SDI Al-Azhar 17 Bintaro. so  it can be concluded that teachers can utilize the natural media in the school environment is a live pharmacy park. The results of this study are expected to be useful to relevant parties such as principals, teachers, and students and further researchers.

Writing this in the background by the use of live pharmacies as a medium of learning Natural Science due to lack of utilization of the environment around the school in the form of a garden that is usually only planted by ornamental plants as teachers should be able to utilize the school environment as a medium for learning to be effective what else students more happy with the study that jumped directly to the place, therefore the author is interested to conduct research on the use of pharmacy park life as a medium of learning Natural Science in Elementary School by using the qualitative type. The study aims to examine live pharmacy park as a medium in use by teachers. The results showed that the learning process is done outside the classroom to the subjects of Natural Sciences in thematic in SDI Al-Azhar 17 Bintaro. so  it can be concluded that teachers can utilize the natural media in the school environment is a live pharmacy park. The results of this study are expected to be useful to relevant parties such as principals, teachers, and students and further researchers.

Keywords: Life Pharmacies, Media learning Natural Science


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