Widya Alya Monica, Lativa Qurrotaini


This research is backed from the observation at SDN Pesanggrahan 04 that there are some students who are not excited during the evaluation process. The purpose of this research is to develop the SCIENCE test in the form of a Dona game on the animal lifecycle material class IV and know the student response to the Games developed based on the validation poll of media experts, material experts and evaluation experts and Student trials. This study was conducted at SDN Pesanggrahan 04 with student research subject of 27 students. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D). The development procedures used by researchers refer to the research and development model of ADDIE which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The instrument used is a poll. The game of Dona on animal lifecycle materials has been through the revision stage based on the advice and input that has been given by experts consisting of media experts, material experts, and evaluation experts. The results of the research gained is 1) the game has been through the development stages until the validation test and is declared valid with a score of 89% by media experts, 85% by material experts, and 78% of evaluation experts; 2) based on the data obtained from the student response poll on the game received an excellent response with a score of 90%. The results of this study are expected to help teachers in the learning process especially the evaluation process so that students are more excited during the evaluation process.

This research is backed from the observation at SDN Pesanggrahan 04 that there are some students who are not excited during the evaluation process. The purpose of this research is to develop the SCIENCE test in the form of a Dona game on the animal lifecycle material class IV and know the student response to the Games developed based on the validation poll of media experts, material experts and evaluation experts and Student trials. This study was conducted at SDN Pesanggrahan 04 with student research subject of 27 students. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D). The development procedures used by researchers refer to the research and development model of ADDIE which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The instrument used is a poll. The game of Dona on animal lifecycle materials has been through the revision stage based on the advice and input that has been given by experts consisting of media experts, material experts, and evaluation experts. The results of the research gained is 1) the game has been through the development stages until the validation test and is declared valid with a score of 89% by media experts, 85% by material experts, and 78% of evaluation experts; 2) based on the data obtained from the student response poll on the game received an excellent response with a score of 90%. The results of this study are expected to help teachers in the learning process especially the evaluation process so that students are more excited during the evaluation process. 

Keywords:   Test, Dona, Animal Live Cycle


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