Riska Susiana, Diki Pradana, Pasha Erik Juntara


The development and formation of a person's social behavior is influenced by the ability of cognition and capture power in interacting with the socio-cultural environment. A person's social behavior is formed not only because of imitation through observation, but can also be taught through sports situations and physical activity. This is what underlies compulsory physical education at school because it is a learning condition that is capable of transferring and developing students' social behavior. Especially in this 21st century information that is increasingly easy and free to obtain a major impact on the physical development, mental and character of students if not properly monitored. Physical education is not the only instrument that can shape students 'social behavior, but if physical education learning is carried out properly and planned with a good strategy, it will certainly have a positive impact on the development of students' social behavior which then becomes the student's expected character.

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