Putri Dwi Waskita, Diola Wahyuni, Purna Bayu Nogroho


Analytical thinking is an important aspect that must had in the 21st century. One of them is critical thinking, because analytical thinking is part of it. Criteria for someone who has analytical thinking can be seen from the way in solving mathematical problems with four aspects, such as: (1) separation of objects from their context, (2) tendency to focus on certain attributes, (3) determination of categories, and (4) selection on the use of rules. The aims from this article are to find out: (1) the level of analytical thinking of student with charismatic leadership character and (2) the process of analytical thinking of student with charismatic leadership character in solving geometry problems. This research is a qualitative research with kind of descriptive exploratory of research. The subject of this study consist of a student from Mathematics Education on fourth semester at University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, Lampung. The results of this study indicate that: (1) student with charismatic leadership character had been in 4th level namly analytical thinking and (2) The analytical thinking process of student with charismatic leadership character in solving problems stars from identifying problems (reading quetion, analyzing picture), difiding images in saveral partitions, focusing on the partitioned parts and completing each partition after linking between partitions to find solutions from geometry problems.

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