Ahmad Zainul Fikri, Maulina Hendrik, Romadon Romadon


The purpose of this research is to describe the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation of the application of the team teaching method conducted by the teacher and facilitator teacher in third grade at SD STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Based on the results of this research, the stages of applying the team teaching method are applied as follows: The planning stage, including: the teacher team sharing tasks in preparing the lesson plans, the teacher team preparing the media and learning methods, the teacher team understands the contents of the material and the division of roles and tasks of the teacher team before learning begins. The stages of implementation, including: the process of the initial learning activities begins with morning motivational activities, praying Duha together, reading and writing Al- Quran, conditioning the class beginning learning together, doing presentation, and conveying an outline of learning material to students. The process of core activities collaborating in implementing team teaching methods, carrying out learning in class in accordance with the task of becoming a tutor teacher and accompanying teacher, creating a conducive learning environment, utilizing learning resources and school facilities in learning, applying the full type of team teaching, and implementing two team teaching model is a model of supported instruction and monitoring teacher. The process of closing activities do a question and answer with students and assigning exercises. The evaluation, includes: evaluating teachers and students.

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