Pengaruh Biochar Sekam Padi dan Pupuk Organik Cair terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai pada Entisol

Maria Getrudis Yati, Widowati Widowati, Wahyu Fikrinda


Entisol berstruktur tanah lempung dengan bahan organik rendah. Pemberian bahan organik penting dilakukan dengan pemberian biochar dan pupuk organic cair. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh pemberian biochar sekam padi dan POC terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai di entisol. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Malang pada Maret - Juli 2020. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok faktorial dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor 1 adalah dosis biochar sekam padi (B) terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu: B0= 0 t/ha (kontrol), B1= 10 t ha-1 (80 g tan-1), B2= 15 t  ha-1 (120g tan-1) dan faktor 2 adalah POC NASA terdiri atas P0= 0 cc L-1 (kontrol), P1= 20 cc L-1, P2 = 40 cc L-1. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, bobot basah brangkasan, jumlah bintil akar, jumlah polong pertanaman, bobot biji pertanaman, bobot 100 biji dan hasil panen. Data dianalisis anova jika nyata dilanjutkan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan (1) Terdapat interaksi nyata dosis biochar dan dosis POC pada parameter bobot basah brangkasan tanaman. (2) Hasil kedelai terbaik terdapat pada dosis 10 ton ha-1, dilihat dari parameter pengamatan tinggi tanaman, jumlah bintil akar dan jumlah polong pertanaman sedangkan pemberian pupuk organik cair belum mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai.


Entisol has a clay soil structure with low organic matter. It is important to provide organic material by providing biochar and liquid organic fertilizer. The research aims to study the effect of providing rice husk biochar and POC on the growth and yield of soybean plants in entisol. The research was conducted in Malang in March - July 2020. The research used a factorial randomized block design of two factors and three replications. Factor 1 is the dosage of rice husk biochar (B) consisting of 3 levels, namely: B0= control, B1= 10 t ha-1 (80 g ton-1), B2= 15 t ha-1 (120g tan-1) and factor 2 is NASA POC concentration consisting of P0= 0 cc L-1 (control), P1= 20 cc L-1, P2 = 40 cc L-1. Observations included plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight of stover, number of root nodules, number of pods planted, weight of seeds planted, weight of 100 seeds and harvest yield. The data was analyzed by ANOVA if it was real, followed by the Least Significant Difference test at the 5% level. The research results show (1) There is a real interaction between biochar dose and POC dose on the wet weight parameters of plant stover. (2) The best soybean yield was found at a dose of 10 tons ha-1, seen from the observation parameters of plant height, number of root nodules and number of pods planted, while the application of liquid organic fertilizer was not able to increase the growth and yield of soybean plants.


Legum, arang, organik farming

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