Appropriate Site Development: Microclimatic Approach Toward Green Landscape Design

Nadia Almira Jordan, Tiara Rukmaya Dewi, Basyaruddin Basyaruddin, Muhammad Yogi Raditya, Denny Huldiansyah


As green building adapted in most of new construction and development, practice of sustainable site planning become essential to create green built environment. While compromising with people demand, paradigm of employing natural resources should be considered to achieved not only the aesthetic goal, but also sustainable landscape as its response to site potential. The research aimed to review theories of green landscape design associated with appropriate site development (ASD) as Greenship Rating Tools of GBCI. Research used desktop survey at online database of microclimate aspect to conducted contextual analysis of study area. It also uses literature review of several principle of ASD to obtain the alternative design element that can be applied. From the discussion, the result show that land features have influence the specific behavior microclimate aspect, such as wind and temperature, which can be responded by applying indigenous vegetation and green material related to their support of sustainability.

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