The Effect of Carbonization Temperature of Durian Peel Activated Carbon on The Purification of Used Cooking Oil

Alvika Meta Sari, Sri Anastasia Yudistirani, Syamsudin AB, Putri Aulia


This purpose of this research is to study the effect of carbonization temperature of durian peel of activated carbon in reducing the acid number and peroxide number of used cooking oil. The activated carbon was made from durian peel through carbonization process in temperature of 400oC, 450oC, 500oC, 550oC, 600oC for 1 hour. This activated carbon was applied as adsorbent to purify the used cooking oil. The final used oil was analyzed its color, odor, acid number using alkali-acidimetry method and peroxide number using iodometric titration. The result showed that all samples added with the activated carbon met the requirements of SNI 3741: 2013 of cooking oil Indonesian standard. The optimum value of acid number and peroxide number reduction was 600oC with an acid number of 0.1407 mg KOH/g with reduction efficiency of 87.65%, peroxide number was 6.4087 mek/ kg O2 with reduction efficiency of 69.46%.

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