The Effect of Jackfruit Seed Flour Addition on the Hardness, Friability, and Destruction Time of Medicine Tablets

Peris Maulana, Dhiya Salma, Fatma Sari, Gema Fitriyano


Jackfruit (Arthocarphus) seeds are currently not economically valuable and are therefore considered waste. This study aims to utilize jackfruit seeds in the form of flour as a binder in the granulation process in the manufacture of medicine. This study used a variable concentration of jackfruit seed flour of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5% w/v in 200 ml of water. The stages of making jackfruit seeds flour were stripping the skin, grinding, and drying at a temperature of 105°C. Jackfruit seed flour was then mixed with hot water at 90°C to make mocilago (Mixture 1). Tartrazine and patent blue v dyes were added into a beaker glass containing aquademin at 95oC which was then stirred until homogeneous (Mixture 2). Mixture 1 was poured into Mixture 2 which has a temperature of > 80oC. The granulation stage included mixing of all the ingredients with fine granulated sugar, magnesium hydroxide, dimethyl polysiloxane, some jackfruit seed flour and hydrotalcite into the Mixture 3. Binder solution was then added. Afterwards the granular drying stage took place and followed by the medicine printing process. The parameters of this study were tablet hardness, tablet friability and tablet disintegration time. Tablet hardness was 10.38 kp and tablet friability was 0.393%. It was stated that jackfruit seed flour met the requirements with a ratio of 10 g flour weight and 200 ml water which produced a quality medicine tablet.

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