Cepu, An Educating City: Towards Sustainable City Development?

Ashadi Ashadi, Anisa Anisa, Ratna Dewi Nur'aini


Cepu, known as the city of oil, has grown in recent decades, trying to become an educating city, trying to implement one of the seventeen of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study aims to understand the efforts of the City of Cepu in educating its citizens and community participation, both in formal and informal education. For this purpose, the study used a descriptive quantitative-qualitative method. Quantitative method is used to describe the results of quantitative data processing, with the help of GER indicators, while qualitative method is used to describe in depth based on observed phenomena and interviews. The results of the study show that Cepu is not yet fully an Educating City, but it has and is trying to implement Sustainable City Development, especially in the field of education. This study is expected to be a source of reference for the Regional Government for the further development of Cepu City.

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