Accurate Speech Recognition AI using Model of Deep Learning for Security Access

Haris Isyanto, Wahyu Ibrahim, riza samsinar, Wiwik Sudarwati


Identity theft poses a significant threat to data privacy and online transactions in cybercrime. A voice recognition approach was created to prevent this issue in security access. Every person possesses distinct and varied voice characteristics. Speech recognition is the device's capacity to identify spoken words. This speech recognition research utilizes artificial intelligence through deep learning models that are built on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. CNN can accurately process vast quantities of data. The testing yielded a training accuracy of 99.8304% and a validation accuracy of 99.4001%. Testing the keywords "Welcome" and "Hello" yielded optimal results with a 100% accuracy rate. The keyword "Hello" was tested and resulted in the fastest response time of 0.64 seconds. This project aims to enhance the accuracy and speed of speech recognition, with potential applications in banking security

Keywords: Speech recognition, deep learning, security access, accuracy, response time

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