International Conference on Engineering, Construction, Renewable Energy, and Advanced Materials

The Proceeding of International Conference on Engineering Construction, Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICECREAM) is the collection of articles presented at the said event which will be held annually by The Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

e-ISSN: 2810-0956

The topics included in the proceeding of ICECREAM are as follow :

Civil Engineering (Structure Engineering, Construction Management Engineering, Hydro Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Civil Engineering, Dispute Resolution And Claim Contract Construction, Infrastructure)

Electrical Engineering (ENERGY: Electric Power Systems, Power Electronics, Renewable energy, Energi Management, Energy and Industry Applications, Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas, Energy and Industry Applications, Driver Technology; TELECOMMUNICATION: Computer Networks, Multimedia Communication, Computer Engineering, Wireless Communication System, Optical Communication. Networking and Broadcast Technologies; ELECTRONIC: Automation System, Biomedical, Bioengineering Instrumentation System, Artificial Intelligence, Optical Electronics, Control System, Robotics and Control Systems; Photonics and Electrooptics;)

Chemical Engineering (Nanotechnology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Polymer Technology, Kinetics and Catalysis, Waste and Water Treatment, Termodinamic, Oleochemical Technology, Modeling, Simulation, and Process Optimization, Separation and Purification Unit, Petroleum, gas and coal technology)

Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion, Construction of Product Material, Manufacture System and Ergonomy, Advance Material)

Industrial Engineering (Quality Engineering, Operation Management, Productivity, Manufacturing System, Supply Chain Management, Product Design & Development, Ergonomics, Modeling & Simulation)

Architecture (Architectural History and Conservation, Urban Planning and Settlement, Green Architecture and Sustainability, Architectural Theory and Critics)

Informatics / Computer Science (Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Network Security, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Mobile Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Pervasive Computing, Big Data)

Automotive Heavy Equipment (Applications of heavy equipment in the industry)



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