Ronny Yudhi Septa Priana


Language is the result of culture that cannot be separated from human life. Language has a role as a tool for the formation of both individual identity and social identity inherent in a community group. The speech and the variety of languages used can show the identity of a community group that is visible when interacting both within the group and with other individuals outside the community. The development of information and communication technology has an impact on the shift of cultural values as well as affect the existence of language. Ease of interaction access between individuals with other individuals of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds is one of the causes of cultural shifts, especially language. Various ways are done by community groups to perform language defense, especially mother Language one of them through community media. The study in this paper is how the existence of language is shown through the use of language in community media. Community media ynag the object of study is Radio Community Of Jawa Serang (Jaseng FM). Jawa Serang is one of the regional languages used by the people of Banten Province, especially those residing in Kota Serang, Kabupaten Serang and Kota Cilegon. Jaseng FM is a radio community that serves the information and entertainment of the people who live in the Walantaka of Kota Serang. Qualitative descriptive approach to production process, distribution and media consumption is used by writer as research approach. The results of the study show that community media can be a media of culture and cultural exisistency, especially language in community groups.
Keywords: Language Defense, Community Media, Community Radio

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Proceedings of The International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS)
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Indonesia.

ISBN :978-602-6309-44-2

Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Cirendeu, Ciputat 15419
Jakarta, Indonesia
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