Md. Foisal Haque


This research evaluates the time delay factors for construction works by the questionnaire survey in several firms in Bangladesh. The two questions have been asked to the firm's authorities/representatives during the survey to reach the goal of prediction of the time delay factors. The time delay factors hamper the completion of the construction works within the scheduled time. There are 49 numbers of time delay factors have been found in the questionnaire survey. These factors have come from the 25 numbers of firms during the survey. The number of feedbacks against two questions for architectural, structural, and construction firms have been selected be 10, 20, and 20 nos. The 49 feedbacks have been found in different forms which indicate the time delay factors. The construction works in Bangladesh may be completed within the scheduled time by overcoming the impact of time delay factors.


Architectural; Bangladesh; Construction; Structural; Time Delay.


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